Monday, November 7, 2016

Featured Talent: Jazz Vocalist Laura Pursell sings "You Don't Know Me," accompanied by her father, the infamous pianist, Bill Pursell; bassist Jim Ferguson; and the Nashville String Machine  

DrDebzz Opening Shtick: Preventing misogyny starts by teaching our sons how to treat women. Children learn by example, which is why it behoves parents to practice the character traits we hope to instill in our offspring. Using positive words more often than negative ones changes our brain chemistry by stimulating frontal lobe activity, thus moving us into action. Keep track of positive words you use in the coming week.  

Guest Caller Brian from Tarzana, CA: Why are women obssessed with their pets? What's the difference between a 'cat lady' and a 'dog lady?' Why do men wear earrings? Why isn't warmth and kindness valued anymore?  

Write in question from Seth of Kansas City: I keep attracting women who seem carefree but end up having so much baggage that I become quickly uninterested. I'm sick of hearing about all their woes and just wanna have fun.

Esteem builder: I deserve to have relationships with people who honor my boundaries.


Sunday, October 30, 2016

Featuring Robin O'Herin, Berkshire based blues singer/songwriter with her original piece, "Stand," cowritten/performed with Lance Gallup. Robin's skillful fingerpicking/bottleneck guitar playing will blow your mind. Her deep passion & honesty comes through loud & clear. No wonder Robin describes music as "the air I breath." 

Guest Caller: Peter from Santa Monica re how to help his mom get out of an emotionally abusive relationship. The paradox of codependency-putting the oxygen mask on yourself first. Setting boundaries. Giving others the dignity to find their own solutions. When the student is ready, the teacher will appear. 

Write in question from Regina of Altadena: My paramour wants to be with me 24/7 but it makes me uncomfortable and I feel it's a bit "creepy." My friend says she wishes she had a boyfriend who wanted to be with her all the time. Am I the one with the problem? 

Confidence Booster: "I am enough."


Wednesday, October 26, 2016

John Proulx, Superb Jazz vocalist, pianist, Grammy winning composer, & MAXJAZZ recording artist, sings "Proulx's Blues"(Music: John Proulx; Lyrics: K. Lawrence Dunham), accompanied by brilliant bassist, Chuck Berghofer & dynamo drummer, Joe LaBarbera  

DrDebzz Opening Spiel: Children who grow up in homes with verbal abuse are more susceptible to addictions. It's parents duty to protect them. Sure you'll feel sad mad tired overwhelmed, but don't take it out on them. It's never too late to learn the language of love. Pause before you speak. Consider whether your words will be supportive. Handle anger by appointment only. Beat a pillow, Take a walk, take a tizzy, call a friend, scream at the top of your lungs in the car.  

Guest Caller: Pam from Venice re: feeling pressure from society to "have it all together" by the time she's 30. How to hold on to your values beliefs and dreams without being influenced by peers and social media. Why women believe they're nothing without a man. 

Write in question from Rita of Grand Rapids, Michigan: I've been dating a guy who adores me and treats me like a queen, but he's boring. I'm outgoing and vivacious while he's quiet and passive - is that a deal breaker?  

Weekly Confidence Booster/Esteem Builder: I am filled with tolerance for myself and others.


Saturday, October 22, 2016

Featured Talent, Maryanne Reall Sweet Jazz Vocalist, sings "These Foolish Things" (music: Jack Strachey; lyrics: Eric Maschwitz) accompanied by her creative partner, jazz pianist extraordinaire, Mark Massey.  

DrDebzz Opening Shpiel: Protecting precious children from verbal abuse, e.g. teasing, taunting, bullying. Are you a predator or prey? How to shield and keep yourself safe from verbal assault and battery.  

Caller: Jody from Studio City re finding the perfect partner. Does your rigid list of qualifications keep you from taking that leap of faith? Are you really ready for the work needed to be in a committed union? Do you feel unworthy of attracting your soulmate? Do educational degrees/financial success equal security & emotional maturity?  

Write in question: Arthur from Pacific Palisades - Why is it so hard to find someone who wants to be in a serious committed relationship?  

Esteem Builder: "I have a forgiving heart and I attract love from others."

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Featured Musician: 4x Grammy Award Winner, Billy Childs, Master Pianist, Composer, Recording Artist, performs "The Path Among the Trees" from the CD Autumn: In Moving Pictures (Grammy Winner for Best Instrumental Composition).

DrDebzz Opening Spiel: You can heal the shame, caused by verbal/emotional abuse, treating yourself with honor & dignity, e.g. setting boundaries.  Practice saying "no" without making excuses or defending.  "No is a complete sentence."
Listen to your heart, trust your instincts.  If that still small voice within says this language/behavior isn't loving, gentle, kind, compassionate, that's a sign it's time to say "stop" & remove yourself from harm's way.  Only you can protect yourself from the irreparable damage that shame speak inflicts.

Guest Caller Scott from Henderson, Nevada re relationships: "I just want to die alone." Even though I have no problem meeting women, I quickly loses interest. I'm turned off by women only caring how much money I make or wanting to spend 7 days a week together. I'm turned on by a good conversationalist who's sensitive expressive & enthusiastic.  

Write in question from Paul in Minneapolis - My girlfriend wants to get married and I don't. Is that a deal breaker?

WOW (Words of Wisdom):  Everything is in perfect order for my good and the good of all those I care about.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Legendary singer, songwriter, recording artist, & Grammy winner Art Podell (The New Christy Minstrels) sings "Toni's Poem (Laurel Canyon)" from his new CD, 'From the Village to the Canyon.'

Dr Debzz Opening Shpiel: The Romance, Honeymoon, Drug Addiction Phase of Relationships; The Release of Love Chemicals; Celebrating Differences; Stuck in the Power Struggle Stage?

Guest Caller Olivia from Sherman Oaks: I'm back in the dating game and just don't get it. I'm good at jumping right in but dating seems hard and scary. I want to break my old pattern and move past the fear.

Write in Question from Nancy in Tucson: Why do men refuse to ask for help?

Weekly WOW (Words of Wisdom):" I am filled to the brim with patience tolerance & compassion for myself & others."


Smooth Soothing Versatile Jazz Vocalist Laura Pursell sings "I Wanna Look Good For My Man," arranged by her father, renowned Nashville recording artist, Bill Pursell.

DrDebzz Opening shpiel: Verbal abuse disguised as a joke; Hurt people hurt people.

Guest Caller Joy from Studio City: Where & how to find the mate of your dreams; Does your preconceived notion of the ideal fit limit your possibilities; Do you feel unworthy of attracting the partner you desire?

Write in question from George of Santa Monica: My wife is clumsy & awkward when she touches me. It's been a long time since I've felt any physical pleasure.

Weekly Wow (words of wisdom): "Great Spirit, may I not render judgment upon another until I have walked for one moon in their moccasins." - An Indian Prayer

Featured artist, Sheri Pedigo sings her original tune, "Love Me Out Loud," accompanied by Bob Tucker on guitar, Brandon Shaw on drums, and Chad Watson on mandolin & bass. DrDebzz Opening shpiel: Fall is the season for transformation, sowing the spiritual crops you've been nurturing and nourishing all spring and summer. Bringing those who support you on your journey. Not taking your bucket to be filled from an empty well and seeing the glass as half full instead of half empty. Guest Caller, Max Izenberg, publisher of the Suddenly 65 newsletter, discusses where and how to meet eligible singles. She recommends when looking for love to "think outside the box;" leave your troubles & "sourpuss face" at home; & put on a smile. Write in Question from Lindsey in Minneapolis: I'm sick of being a sex object. How can I get men to look at me as more than a sex object? Weekly Confidence Booster: "I love and appreciate my body exactly the way it is." DOWNLOAD:

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Sleepless in Studio City - Maria Puga Lareo

Maria Puga Lareo, Stunning Sultry Sexy Argentinian vocalist and composer/producer/head of the music label My Keter Records, sings "You Stepped Out of a Dream" (Nacio Herb Brown and Gus Kahn) featuring pianist/arranger Carlos Franzetti; bassist Eddie Gomez; drummer Ed Uribe; and Flutist Fernando Gelbard.

 DrDebzz Opening Shpiel: The difference between being "nice" and being "kind;" How verbal abuse murders your mind heart spirit & soul; Healthy differentiation in relationships per Fritz Perls and his infamous Gestalt prayer.

 Guest caller: Joe Silva of Sherman Oaks - Most of my friends continue looking for their happily ever after but I'm still skeptical; How maturity has helped me fill my emotional tool belt; Impact of Petty jealousy and Poor parenting on relationships.

 Write in question from Evan of Oakland, CA. How do I breakup with my girlfriend and not hurt her feelings?

 Weekly WOW (words of wisdom) "You can't always get what you want but if you try sometime you get what you need" Rollingstones



Sleepless in Studio City Cindy Shapiro Sings Re: Anais Nin

 Featuring Brilliant composer/librettist singing her magnum opus "Venus of Delta" re Anais Nin, the provocative author of erotic.

 DrDebzz Opening Shpiel: Healing our mental and emotional health is Critical to Curing the planet since hurt people hurt people.

 Caller: Becky from Sherman Oaks shares stresses of job searching & frustrations with employers focused on age/millennial skills

 Write in Question from David of Las Vegas: How do you deal with people close to you who don't support your creativity?

 Weekly Confidence Booster:" I think clearly and I determine what is right and wrong for me." 


Thursday, October 6, 2016

Sleepless in Studio City - Josh Moreland

Award Winning Singer/Songwriter, Josh Moreland, performs "A Little Space," cowritten by Moreland & John D'Angelo. 

Opening DrDebzz Spiel: Recent research shows people in their 20's are the most stressed & depressed, while those in their 90's are the most content. 

Caller Mikole from Cathedral City, CA: Differences between being "in love" and "loving" someone. Ignoring flags and accepting bad behavior. Relationship goal: "Put me on a pedestal and I'll put you on a pedestal." 

Write in question from Darrell of Austin, Tx. "My girlfriend & I fight when I get home from work. She wants to talk & I want to zone out. We go to bed angry, which doesn't help our sex life."

Weekly WOW (words of wisdom): As my self love increases, I receive love from others with greater ease.


Friday, September 30, 2016

Sleepless in Studio City - Kat Parra

Jazz Vocalist Kat Parra sings "(Four) Ever More" from her latest CD, Songbook of the Americas, now available at Mambo arrangement by Wayne Wallace. Vocalese (improvisational section) inspired by The Rumi poem, "The Awakening."

Opening Shpiel by DrDebzz: The Sixth (sense) Language of Love aka Sharing Secret Sensitivies; Getting Naked Emotionally Spiritually Psychologically; Intimacy - In To Me See; Psychical Open Heart Surgery

Caller: Thomas from Ft Lauderdale, Florida How to deal with bullies, narcissists, sharks in the workplace

Write in Question: Marcy from Tarzana. I recently went out with a guy and soon discovered a bad temper. Is that a red flag?

Weekly Wow(words of wisdom: "In this moment, I apply love in my thoughts, love in my words, love in my actions."


Sleepless in Studio City - John Proulx

Featured Jazz Artist: Vocalist, Pianist, Grammy winning composer, & MAXJAZZ recording artist, John Proulx, singing/playing piano on "Love is for Dreamers" (music: John Proulx; Lyrics: K. Lawrence Dunham) accompanied by la creme de la creme of jazz maestros - Sara Gazarek: vocals; Chuck Berghofer: bass; Joe La Barbera: drums; Larry Koonse: guitar  

DrDebzz Opening Shpiel: Rising Above The Predators in Your Life, e.g. Verbal Abusers, Ragers, Bullies, Manipulators, Intimidators, Control Freaks. Freeing Yourself of Anger & Resentment, i.e. How Not To Drink the Poison and Expect The Other Person to Die.  

Guest Caller: Thomas from Ft. Lauderdale FLA - Overcoming the People Pleasing Syndrome by Putting Yourself First  

Write in question from Peter of Isla Vista, CA - My girlfriend is very jealous...even when I look at another woman...feel like ending the relationship.  

Weekly WOW (Words of Wisdom): I release all worn out behaviors in my life.


Sleepless In Studio City - Judy Wexler

Sleepless In Studio City - Judy Wexler

Featuring world renowned jazz vocalist Judy Wexler, singing "A Kiss To Build a Dream On" from her 4th CD, "What I See." 

DrDebzz Opening Shpiel: Healing the Shame caused by Verbal Abuse; Learning to speak the Language of Love to yourself and others through Positive Self Talk, e.g. "I'm good enough smart funny sexy attractive successful enough."
Weekly WOW (Words of Wisdom): No is a complete sentence. I don't have to explain, defend, or give reasons or excuses. I deserve to say no even if you object.  

Write in question from Sean in Oak Park Mich: What am I doing wrong? Women keep dissing me, am I too intense, I'd like to change but don't know what the problem is.
Guest Caller: Jason from Sherman Oaks - Why do women who seem so interested at the beginning all of a sudden fade away after a few weeks?

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Sleepless In Studio City - Robin Oherin

Episode 1 - Robin Oherin

DrDebzz Opening Sphiel: "Words as weapons and shame speak".

Featured Artist, Blues vocalist, Robin Oherin singing "Hold On".

Write-in question from Cody, from Canoga Park, CA: "How do I stop attracting the broken?"

Caller is Steve, from Sherman Oaks, CA.

Weekly Inspiration: "Love is an action. Love is a commitment. Love is a decision. Love is all I need. Action is the magic word. I am up to the task before me."


Sleepless In Studio City - Robin Oherin