Sunday, May 1, 2022

Sleepless in Studio City DrDebzz "Reducing Your Emotional/Verbal Imprint" feat. Denise Donatelli


DrDebzz Opening Shpiel
What are you doing to reduce your emotional, verbal, psychological, intellectual, existential, philosophical, metaphysical, spiritual, and material imprint thus preserving civilization for future generations?

Are you utilizing your superpowers to achieve and attain your purpose, passion, and possible dreams or do you ignore innate instincts and intuition opting to stay stuck in unhealthy, unproductive, unfulfilling, unattractive, unethical behaviors?

Do you prioritize and practice self care, setting boundaries, saying yes to number one even if it means no to others? Do you aspire to be "kind" rather than "nice" to those you care about, i.e. placing a preference on honesty, authenticity, vulnerability, candor, and constructive criticism? Sage advice:
"No" is a complete sentence. 
Say what you mean but don't say it mean! 
Guest Caller
Jeremy often butts heads with his Dad overthinking whether he might be rude or disrespectful and setting himself up to receive unwanted advice. DrDebzz offers a toolkit filled with various approaches and valuable concepts, e.g.  "No" to a loved one and "Yes" to yourself is saying "I Love You" and "I want our relationship to be as fruitful as possible."

DrDebzz reminds Jeremy that those who push our buttons the most motivate our growth the most.  It helps to "Bless them, Change me."  When you change, the people around you change.
Weekly WOW (Words of Wisdom)
Every time you praise, every time you appreciate, every time you feel good about something or someone including yourself, you're telling the Universe, "More of this, please.  More of this, please."
- Abraham Hicks
Confidence Boosters/Esteem Builders
Today and every day, I savor all the gifts I am given--the totality of my external and internal senses that allow me to treasure my life.

I spend time reveling in qualities and attributes about myself so that I may increase my value, worth, and significance, thriving, striving, and flourishing even more.
Featured Artist
The exquisitely elegant, enchantingly enthralling, superbly sublime, delightfully divine jazz vocalist, Denise Donatelli, reveals the meaning of music in her life, offers advice for aspiring artists, expresses what she believes is the key to finding and keeping love, and much much more.

You'll hear a specially selected tune from Denise's critically acclaimed, highly regarded, magnum opus masterpiece CD entitled "Whistling in The Dark… the music of Burt Bacharach." Denise is backed by la creme de la creme of expert musicians: pianist Larry Goldings, guitarist Anthony Wilson,
bassist Larry Klein, and drummer Vinnie Colaiuta.

DrDebzz Call-in Advice Talk Show "Sleepless in Studio City" Airs Nightly 9PM PT / midnight ET at
Previous episodes of "Sleepless in Studio City" can be found HERE.

As a lauded life coach, celebrated columnist, and proficient family mediator, I am pleased and privileged to offer heartfelt help, gentle guidance, a nurturing spirit, practical positivity, and transformative tools.

"DrDebs is my favorite talk show host." 
"Her words of wisdom are gems." 
“Brilliant! DrDebs is a natural at this." 
"A true treasure. Her advice is always spot on!!!" 
"DrDebs' Opening Shpiel is worth its weight in gold." 
"So inspiring and such good life lessons. I am completely in awe of her talent in doing this."

For a limited time only, I am providing Complimentary Life Coaching Sessions to facilitate finding your inner moxie, passion, purpose, power, and a new perspective with all the silver linings shining through. To everything turn turn turn...It's an apropos moment to exchange your black and white melodrama script for a full living technicolor work of art, by producing a masterpiece to cherish and behold! Contact me at or 
818-326-9003 to set up a confidential consultation.


“THE CRITICAL SPIRIT” Are you judgmental, accusatory, fault-finding, negative, nitpicking with yourself and/or others? You can transform into an encouraging supportive positive spirit!
“THE POWER OF NO” Saying “no” & setting boundaries signifies yes I care & that you’re valuable & worthy of my time & attention.
”GENEROSITY OF SPIRIT” Kindness is caring enough about someone to be forthcoming about your true feelings, desires, dreams, sensitivities, vulnerabilities, i.e. the sixth language of love.
"STUFFING EMOTIONS" destroys relationships; people pleasing causes mistrust; being authentic is true kindness.
“MINDFUL WALKING” Take a tizzy, clear your mind, heal your heart.
“FORGIVENESS” Free yourself from toxic resentments & negativity.
"JEALOUSY" Celebrating others' success increases chances you'll be victorious.
“LEGAL ABUSE” How abusers use the legal system to gain control.
“PERFECTIONISM” Killing the perfectionism monster that's keeping you from pursuing passions.
"THE SIXTH LANGUAGE OF LOVE: Sharing Secret Sensitivities."
"FROM NEGATIVITY TO POSITIVITY: Changing Your Brain Chemistry"


Sleepless In Studio City - Robin Oherin