Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Sleepless in Studio City "Take Off Your Mask" feat. Anna Mjoll

DrDebzz Opening Shpiel:  Halloween Time to Take Off Your Mask!  You no longer have to be the chameleon doing whatever it takes to fit in and win the approval.  Just for today, to thine own self be true, and you will attract folks who admire adore and appreciate you exactly the way you are.  In the words of Billy Joel, "Don’t go changing to try and please...You never have to work that hard." 

Those who are the most insecure and secretly detest themselves (by that I mean the Weinsteins and Trumps of the world) have to bully manipulate and abuse others just so they feel up to par.  Sad but true, Ripley’s believe it or not, these predators actually loathe the ground they walk on…which explains (but doesn’t condone) their despicable behavior.

How precisely do dolphins survive in a sea of sharks? Find out ways to break the cycle and protect yourself from becoming prey to the brutes that roam the planet.  You can be free from the cruelty of savages still traversing the earth. 

Caller Tom from Venice, CA:  I’d like to find love, but I’m discouraged because I’ve been stuck in old feelings for so long. I come from a sexually repressive environment and don’t want to end up a mindless robot like most couples I know.

Write in question from Susan in Thousand Oaks: I told my mom a story about a friend who won a lot of money in Las Vegas and how I was excited for her.  My mom’s reponse was ”Why are you so happy it’s not like you won?”  She also doesn’t understand why I’m not angry at my ex even though he left me for another woman, but that I’m grateful for the time we had together and how well he treated me.   Is that a generational thing?  It’s hard to imagine we came from the same gene pool!

Featured artist is the stunning smooth sexy sultry singer, Anna Mjoll, who hails from Iceland.  Anna performs the tune, “Agua de Beber” backed by the a plus maestros: Don Grusin, keys; Louis Conte, percussion; Dave Carpenter, bass; Vinnnie Colaiuta, drums; and Olafur Gaukur, guitar. Anna candidly reveals heartfelt advice on finding and keeping the love you deserve.  She admits that “For real musicians, their relationship with their music is a life long hot steamy love affair, really!” 

Catch Anna Mjoll LIVE at Herb Alpert’s Vibrato on November 26th with the superb talents of Tom Ranier (also her musical director), Chuck Berghofer, Dean Parks, John Ferraro, and Jamieson Trotter.

Weekly Confidence Boosters and Esteem Builders:  It is safe to look within. I am divinely guided and protected at all times. Deep at the center of my being is an infinite well of love. 
I know that old, negative patterns no longer limit me. I let them go with ease.  
The more peaceful I am inside, the more peace I have to share with others.  
I act as if I already have what I want—it’s an excellent way to attract happiness in my life.  Loving others is easy when I love and accept myself.

Saturday, October 21, 2017

Sleepless In Studio City "Whose Life is it Anyway?" Feat. Sylvia Brooks/Christian Jacob

DrDebzz Opening Shpiel: Whose life is it anyway?  Are you living someone else’s idea of bliss? Do you go mistaking paradise for the home across the way? Do you follow the latest fad or can you march to the beat of a different drum? Do you strive to make your offspring like you, or are they free to pursue their own path, albeit divergent from yours?

How far are you willing to go to make a difference in the world?  Are you resigned to being reticent and compliant, allowing bad behavior to run rampant and destroy the planet? Will you join the troops to fight the battles at home and win the global war? 

When are you going to put on your big girl/boy panties, break the silence, end the secrecy, and stop the verbal emotional and physical violence?  Now is the time. Tomorrow is too late. 

Begin by teaching your sons how to treat women and your daughters how to speak up and protect themselves.  Children learn not by your words but by your actions.

Guest Caller Emma from Burbank: I’ve lost self confidence in the workplace after my latest job ended badly.  I feel like I’m not good enough and that everyone else is more qualified.  I sell myself short when it comes to pursuing opportunities for my dream position.

Featured Artist: Skilled Jazz Vocalist Sylvia Brooks and Master Pianist Christian Jacob perform their original song, “Sweet Surrender.”  Sylvia reveals how she became immersed in the world of jazz.  She relays true gems about the key to finding and keeping love and offers fruitful advice for aspiring artists.

Weekly Mirror Work:  If it’s a good day: "Thank you for doing this. How terrific! Way to go! You’re flying now!”  If it’s a bad day:  "I love you. This thing that just happened is not your fault and will pass.  I love you and that’s forever."  

Weekly Esteem Builders:  I am beautiful inside and out from head to toe. I’m capable of what’s in front of me. I’m a light and everyone wants to get to know me.

Sunday, October 15, 2017

Sleepless in Studio City "Terminating Ruminating" feat. Cathy Segal-Garcia/Josh Nelson

DrDebzz Opening Shpiel: Does ruminating keep you sleepless? Are you one of the multitudes hooked on sleeping pills, feeding the pocketbooks of drug companies? DrDebzz suggests tools for taming the ruminator within, e.g. focused meditation, gratitude journaling, affirmations, mirror work, rewiring your brain by turning negative thoughts into positivity. 

Are you a "know it all" or are you receptive to learning? Are you willing to get back to the innocence of a newborn, trusting the universe, open to soaking up the endless knowledge awaiting your consumption?

In the words of the great T.S. Eliot: "We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.”

Weekly WOW(Words of Wisdom): A Quero Apache Prayer: Looking behind I am filled with gratitude. Looking forward I am filled with vision. Looking upwards I am filled with strength. Looking within I discover peace. 

Guest Caller Wendy from Woodland Hills - I’m so worried about what’s going on in our country right that it’s keeping me up every night.  I try to stay busy but at the end of the day, the fear creeps back in.  I’m also trying to help my daughter deal with the aftermath of the Las Vegas shooting since she was in the crossfire of it all.

Write in question from Walter in Atlanta:  I’m insatiable and one woman doesn’t do it for me.  Multiple lovers has been my path.  I’m still waiting for the one but maybe I should resign myself to the fact that I’m not destined for monogamy.

Confidence Boosters:  All is well in my world. Everything is working out for the highest good of myself and all those I care about. I am in the process of positive change. It is safe to look within. Deep at the center of my being is an infinite well of love.

I am loved and I am at peace. I am greeted by love wherever I go. I am at home in my body. I trust my intuition. I am willing to listen to that still small voice within.  

Featured artist, jazz vocalist Cathy Segal Garcia, performs “I Love You” accompanied by master pianist, Josh Nelson. Cathy relays how jazz is under appreciated in the industry and why it's crucial to promote and support the genre. “If you closed your eyes, you might think Cathy was a highly evolved horn player.” “A model of warm, exquisitely focused jazz vocalizing…sensuous voice and cool harmonies.” “When the Sirens in the days of ancient Greece, enticed sailors with their song, at least one of them must have sounded like the clear, cool perfectly pitched Segal-Garcia voice.” Read more on the multi-talented singer, composer, producer, educator at cathysegalgarcia.com

Saturday, October 7, 2017

Sleepless in Studio City "Acquiring a Flair for Fighting Fair" feat. Aquarius

DrDebzz Opening Shpiel: Acquiring a flair for fighting fair is crucial in maintaining a healthy connection. In fact, it’s vital in any relationship. Bear in mind - It’s not about winning or who’s right or wrong, but how you play the game. What’s fundamental is remaining respectful, reasonable, worthy, and admirable at all costs. Resolving conflict in a beneficial manner can only work to solidify rather than fracture any union.

Guest Caller Deb from Austin Texas: I’m recently divorced and feeling disillusioned that I won’t ever find love or be able to trust again. I’m afraid I’ll be judged as undesirable after having several failed marriages.

Write in question from Todd in Canyon Country: I'm an old fashioned guy back in the dating world after a while. the other night I took a nice woman to dinner but she refused to let me pay. when I went to kiss her good night, she turned her cheek. I was just trying to polite and proper.  What's the protocol these days?

A meditation for Building Self Esteem:
No person place or thing has any power over me unless I give it for I am the only thinker in my mind.
I have immense freedom in that I can choose what to think.
I can choose to see life in positive ways instead of complaining or being mad at myself or other people.
Complaining about what I do not have is one way to handle a situation, but it does not change anything.
When I love myself and find myself in the midst of a negative situation, I can say something such as "I am willing to release the pattern in my consciousness that contributed to this condition."
I have made negative choices in the past, but this does not mean that I am a bad person, nor am I stuck with these negative choices.
I release old judgments and love myself unconditionally. 

Featured artist is Aquarius, the rock cover band, who adopted the theme song from the musical, HAIR, as its clarion call. The members personify the most iconic superstars of the Summer of Love - David Abercrombie (Country Joe); Connie Early (Janis Joplin/Grace Slick); Gerald Davis (Sly Stone/Jimi Hendrix); Ron Olsson (Bob Dylan/John Fogerty); Dennis Napolitano (hippie dude); and Brian Wood (Stoney Munchalot) 

A majority of the songs from the late 60’s and early 70’s that Aquarius performs are still socially and politically relevant today with themes of peace, freedom, and equality. Their signature opening tune is “Get Together” by the Youngbloods, reminding us how history repeats itself and that we all need to take an active role in affecting positive change.

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Sleepless in Studio City: "Toxic Shame" feat. Stephan Oberhoff

DrDebzz Opening Shpiel: Shame thrives in secrecy. By uncovering it and getting out from under its spell, you no longer have to be bleeding internally. Sharing shameful thoughts, feelings, and experiences diminishes the deadly toxins that cause inflammation in your body. You can prevent and/or heal many dis-eases, including all stress related and auto-immune deficiency disorders.  

Use the 6th language of love to reveal your innermost shame and return it from whence it came (usually from your childhood).  You can emerge from isolation and be free from the imprisonment toxic shame creates. 

Anyone with a microphone in front of them, i.e. celebrities, artists, politicians, sports figures, has a duty to be open, candid, and come clean about shame based secrets in hopes of helping others. 

Multi-Instrumentalist, Award-Winning Composer, Vocalist and Producer, Stephan Oberhoff performs “O Pantanal,” with it’s stunningly flowing floating uplifting quality.  Stephan offers advice for aspiring artists by quoting an illuminating conversation between Agnes De Mille and Martha Graham, excerpted here: 

 “...There is a vitality, a life force, an energy, a quickening that is translated through you into action, and because there is only one of you in all of time, this expression is unique.  

And if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium and it will be lost.  The world will not have it.  

It is not your business to determine how good it is nor how valuable nor how it compares with others.  It is your business to keep it yours, clearly and directly, to keep the channel open…"

Guest Caller Mark from Panorama City: I’m trying to find a lady but I don’t trust the chemistry factor. Even though I’ve never been married, I still believe in attracting the love of my life.  Any advice?

Weekly WOW (Words of Wisdom):  Do all the good you can by all the means you can in all the ways you can in all the places you can. 

Sleepless In Studio City - Robin Oherin
