Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Sleepless in Studio City DrDebzz Dishing on "Love One Another" feat. maestro Dave Tull

DrDebzz Opening Shpiel
Were you raised in a family where resoluteness, pertinacity, staunchness were promoted and valued? Did you feel loved, secure, significant? If these three inner needs weren't met, it's time to 
be your own cheerleader.
What's preventing you from following your coveted dreams and desires? What have you done today to nurture your spiritual garden? You deserve to thrive, not merely survive.
Consider practicing 'phileo' (brotherly) love with all those you encounter. Instead of focusing on what someone can do for you, contemplate what you can do for them. 
We're all on this journey together-you never know why, when, where, or from whom, a consciousness raising opportunity will appear.
Since we're all one & the same, your pain is my pain, your suffering is my suffering, your joy is my joy, your success is my success.
Practice developing and expanding kindness and compassion skills through 'metta' (which means friendliness and good will in Sanskrit) and 'tonglen' (which in Tibetan Buddhism aims to reduce selfishness and purify karma by giving and receiving).
The great Tantra Master Osho said, "There's nothing wrong with anybody except they didn't get enough love." Let's dedicate ourselves to rectifying that universal dilemma. 
Per Mother Theresa, "Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love." 

Guest Caller
Mike from Los Angeles:  I'm choosing not to be in a relationship right now and instead take time to focus on "finding myself." I don't want to keep getting into relationships for the wrong reasons. 

Write In Question
From Art in Denver:  "I'm really attracted to a coworker but I'm afraid to approach her because what if it doesn't turn out well and we still have to see each other every day?" 

Weekly WOW (Words of Wisdom)
"You're always alone, but you're only lonely if you don't like the person you're alone with." Dr.Wayne Dyer
"If tomorrow were your last day alive, what would you like people to remember about you?"  Loretta LaRoche 

Confidence Boosters/Esteem Builders
I can say "yes" to what I want and "no" to
what I don't want.  The choice is mine.
I am free from the fear, anger, or moodiness of others.
I can detach with love.
I can be close to another person without losing myself.
I am a valuable human being and I deserve to be
treated with dignity and respect.  

Featured Artist
World renowned jazz drummer, composer, arranger, singer-songwriter, Dave Tull, performs the stellar song "Please Tell Me Your Name" from his highly acclaimed newly released CD "Texting and Driving."  Accompanying Dave are master musicians: Randy Porter, piano; Kevin Axt, bass; Larry Koonse, guitar; Wayne Bergeron, featured trumpet; Pete Olstad, trumpet; Mike Gutierrez, trumpet; Andy Martin, trombones; Doug Webb, saxophones. This is la creme de la creme of jazz talents, who can ask for anything more?!
Dave candidly reveals the meaning of music in his life, the inspiration behind pursuing his passion, the key to finding and keeping love, and valuable advice for aspiring artists.
DrDebzz Call-in Advice Talk Show "Sleepless in Studio City" Airs Nightly Sun-Fri 9p PT / midnight ET with new episodes Sat 9pm & midnight PT / midnight & 3am ET at AmericanHeartsRadio.com.
Celebrated columnist, lauded life coach, skilled family mediator, DrDebzz offers heartfelt help, inspiration, positivity,
a nurturing spirit, & transformative tools.
DrDebzz has been deemed “The new relationship GURU…a West Coast Dr. Laura & East Coast Carrie Bradshaw!” Fans describe her as a “soulful gifted fun impressive” radio personality; with a “captive confident soothing melodious & simply lovely voice;”
an “alluring way of telling her-story;” so
"spiritually alive & giving LOVE to humanity.”
Phone Life Coaching Sessions are available 24/7. Set up a Complimentary Consultation at 818-753-8898; allthatdezz.webs.com; or sleeplessinstudiocity@gmail.com
Listen now on iTunes!
<iframe src="https://archive.org/embed/SleeplessInStudioCityDrDebzzLoveOneAnotherFeat.MaestroDaveTull" width="500" height="30" frameborder="0" webkitallowfullscreen="true" mozallowfullscreen="true" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Monday, May 14, 2018

Sleepless in Studio City DrDebzz "Mother's Day Meditation" feat. Ron King LIVE!

DrDebzz Opening Shpiel
Tune into love, compassion, courage, kindness, infinite reality, higher intelligence, and revitalize your mind body and spirit with this simple meditation. You don't have to spend hours in the lotus position, at an ashram, or
on a mountaintop in India.
Standing or sitting right where you are, lift both arms straight up towards the sky or the ceiling, stretch
as tall as you can with your fingers spread wide open. 
Close your eyes, inhale deeply, and feel the light the eternal source, fall right through you from head to toe, enveloping you with cozy cuddly warmth and affection. Sense the oneness of humanity
penetrate every pore muscle bone organ vein.
Hold your breath for a moment, slowly exhale, feel the energy the pulse the power, flow freely from one chakra to the next... starting at the crown, passing to the third eye, throat, heart, solar plexus, sacral, and
root chakra at the end of your spine.
This breath of fresh air from heaven is a gift you can bequeath yourself any time any day any where any how and it doesn't cost a dime.

Guest Caller
Brian from Studio City wants to know where to meet single women other than online.  He's looking for someone special who shares the same values he
grew up with and has instilled in his sons.

Weekly WOW (Words of Wisdom)
Deepak Chopra on "Conscious Evolution"
We can actually accelerate the process through meditation, through the ability to find stillness, through loving actions, through compassion and sharing, through understanding the nature of the creative process in the universe and having a sense of connection to it.

Featured Artist
LIVE performance and interview with Ron King, Grammy nominated jazz trumpeteer extraordinaire! Ron reveals the meaning of music in his life, the key to finding and keeping love, advice for aspiring artists, and much much more!
Catch Ron and his spectacular 17 piece Big Band on Tuesday March 22 at Vitello's Supper Club in Studio City, 4349 Tujunga Ave., a classy, intimate, listening room with fab fare. Celebrate Ron's Birthday reveling in new tunes including Latin, Jazz, Swing, & Modern. 
Doors open at 6:30p, Show at 7:30p. $20 Cover plus dinner or two drink minimum per person. Seating is limited. Reservations are highly recommended at http://www.vitellosrestaurant.com/purchase-tickets
DrDebzz Call-in Advice Talk Show "Sleepless in Studio City" Airs Nightly Sun-Fri 9p PT / midnight ET with new episodes Sat 9pm & midnight PT / midnight & 3am ET at AmericanHeartsRadio.com.
Celebrated columnist, lauded life coach, skilled family mediator, DrDebzz offers heartfelt help, inspiration, positivity,
a nurturing spirit, & transformative tools.
DrDebzz has been deemed “The new relationship GURU…a West Coast Dr. Laura & East Coast Carrie Bradshaw!” Fans describe her as a “soulful gifted fun impressive” radio personality; with a “captive confident soothing melodious & simply lovely voice;” an “alluring way of telling her-story;” so
"spiritually alive & giving LOVE to humanity.”
Phone Life Coaching Sessions are available 24/7. Set up a Complimentary Consultation at 818-753-8898; allthatdezz.webs.com; or sleeplessinstudiocity@gmail.com
Listen now on iTunes!

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Sleepless in Studio City DrDebzz "Just Breathe" feat. Melissa Manchester

DrDebzz Opening Shpiel
We start life with a breath and can return to that time of innocence, omnipotence, authenticity, purity, and veracity by focusing on our breath.
You don't have to join an ashram, climb to the top of a mountain, 
or take up Kundalini yoga. All you have to do is give yourself 
permission to pause. It's easy breezy.

Delineate a few moments to be still before you hustle and bustle. Inhale slowly and deeply to the count of five, hold for the count of five, exhale slowly and completely for the count of five. Repeat five times.

Practice on a daily basis. Make it a ritual like brushing your teeth. This mini meditation will help reduce and manage stress by releasing the body's neurotransmitters of well-being, e.g. dopamine, serotonin,
 GAMA (gamma aminobutyric acid) and endorphins. 

Be mindful of how you treat yourself, others, the environment, all animals and plants. Keep a check on your gratitude and compassion meter. Plant and nurture your spiritual garden so you can blossom from the inside out.

Guest Caller
Beverly just moved to Atlanta and is having a hard time dealing with the loneliness.  She fell recently and hasn't been able to go out and 
meet new friends.

Write In Question
Marina from Sheffield, Michigan asks: "I've been living with my  boyfriend and our son for the past two years but he keeps threatening to leave and says he's not ready for this.  Most nights he's off with his band and doesn't come home until late.  I don't know if I should grin and bear it 
for my son's sake or kick him by the wayside?"

Weekly WOW (Words of Wisdom)
"Whether you think you can or can't, you're right."
Henry Ford

Confidence Boosters/Esteem Builders
No matter what has happened in your life, you have the power to change what that event means to you and thus, change your experience, both emotionally and physically.  Therein lies your power to heal.

I flow freely and lovingly with Life. I love myself. I know that 
only good awaits me at every turn.

Say “I want to feel good” when you’re tempted to indulge in low-energy thoughts. Wanting to feel good is synonymous with wanting to feel God. Remember: “God is good, and all that God created was good.”

Featured Artist
Featured artist is Melissa Manchester, Grammy award winning singer/songwriter performing "Midnight Blue," which she 
cowrote with Carole Bayer Sager.  
Melissa reveals the meaning of music in her life, what she thinks is the 
key to keeping love, and offers valuable advice for aspiring artists.  
Hear heartfelt excerpts from her journal on 
"Kindness" and "If Time Were God."

Sleepless In Studio City - Robin Oherin
