Friday, June 16, 2017

Sleepless in Studio City Kiki Ebsen "The Beauty Inside"

Singer/songwriter Kiki Ebsen reveals how she healed the damage from growing up in a narcissistic family, through her art and creativity.  She shares how she's forgiven her parents and has come to love them more than ever. Kiki performs the original tune, "The Beauty Inside," the title track from her hit CD.

DrDebzz Opening Shpiel: Letting go of having to win and be right at all costs. The path to finding the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow lies within.

Guest Caller Wendy from Brentwood: I feel unloved by my family (especially my sister) and am dreading spending Father's Day with them. DrDebzz discusses the concept of "not taking your bucket to an empty well.”
Weekly WOW (Words of Wisdom):
From the Healing Drum by Blackwolf Jones

Look up to Grandfather Sun
Grandmother Moon
Cousin and all the Star People.
They sing and dance the song of the Universe.
They speak to your heart.

Sky Drum resonates throughout the Universe.
Sky Drum’s vibrations make the stars flicker.
Grandmother Moon casts her shadow down on the 
great waters, making the tides flow.

Dance to Sky Drum.
Celebrate with the Night Singers.
Join Brother Wolf and Sister Whippoorwill
as they provide a chorus from here below.

As you look up with appreciation, Sky family looks down
as Grandparents watching their grandchildren frolic.
The old need the young and the young need the old.
Sky needs you as you need Sky.  -  Mitakuye-Oyasin

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Sleepless In Studio City - Robin Oherin