Sunday, August 4, 2019

Sleepless in Studio City DrDebzz "A Mindful Minute" Feat. Diane Marino

DrDebzz Opening Shpiel
Pausing to breathe even for sixty seconds invites you to hear your heart pounding, reach the voice within, connect to the calm in the eye of the storm, listen to the peace and quiet, and feel your own pulse, recollecting it's precisely the same as the rest of the breathing world. 
By gifting yourself a mindful moment, you can attain instant gratification, a high better than drugs booze weed or sex. It will bring you enlightenment, curing what ails you and the entire planet (climate change aside).
You say what a waste of time, I have things to do, places to go, people to meet! Yet stillness and silence are the most powerful inspirational motivational energizing actions you'll ever take. 
Guest Caller
Ron from Westchester finds relationships frustrating. Women seem to want it both ways, traditional chivalry and feminist equality.  He's confused about how to treat them. 

Write In Question 
Crystal from Gross Pointe wants to know if she should sleep with her best friend's ex husband.

Weekly WOW (Words of Wisdom
"I am as God created me." Nothing lacking, nothing missing, nothing broken. - A Course in Miracles 

Confidence Boosters/Esteem Builders 
I am exactly where I need to be and when I am ready,
I have the ability to move on.
I am equal to the situation which is before me.
I have the ability to accomplish.  I am competent.
I see my life experience as a series of opportunities -
as one door shuts another is opened.

Featured Artist
Stunning singer/pianist, Diane Marino, in a live telephone interview, candidly reveals the meaning of music in her life, advice for aspiring artists, what she believes is the key to finding and keeping love, plus much much more. 
Diane performs the title track from her latest CD,
"Soul Serenade - The Gloria Lynne Project." Accompanying her are maestros: Brad Cole, piano/keys;
Mark Christian, Guitar; Frank Marino, Bass; Chris Brown,
Drums; Don Aliquo, Tenor/Alto/Baritone Sax;
Scott Ducaj, Trumpet; Roy Agee, Trombone.
Catch Diane LIVE on Thursday August 15th, at Herb Alpert's Vibrato Grill, Jazz, Etc. sharing the stage with stellar musicians: Rickey Woodard, Tenor Sax; George Shelby, Alto Sax; Harry Kim, Trumpet; Francisco Torres, Trombone; Larry Koonse, Guitar; Frank Marino, Bass; Russ Miller, Drums.
DrDebzz Call-in Advice Talk Show "Sleepless in Studio City" Airs Nightly Sun-Fri 9pm PT / midnight ET with new episodes Sat 9pm & midnight PT / midnight & 3am ET at
Celebrated columnist, lauded life coach, skilled family mediator, DrDebzz offers heartfelt help, inspiration, positivity,
a nurturing spirit, and transformative tools.
DrDebzz has been deemed “The new relationship GURU…a West Coast Dr. Laura and East Coast Carrie Bradshaw!” Fans describe her as a “soulful gifted fun impressive” radio personality; with a “captive confident soothing melodious and simply lovely voice;” an “alluring way of telling her-story;” so
"spiritually alive and giving LOVE to humanity.”
Phone Life Coaching Sessions are available 24/7. Set up a Complimentary Consultation at 818-753-8898;; or
Listen now on iTunes!

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Sleepless In Studio City - Robin Oherin