Monday, March 1, 2021

Sleepless in Studio City DrDebzz "Invest in Yourself" feat. Steve Rawlins


DrDebzz Opening Shpiel
How do you invest your time? What if this were your last day on earth? Where would you go, what would you do, who would you be with, how would you act?

Would you spend your precious final moments putting people down, gossiping, complaining about the state of affairs? Would you see the thorns on the rosebush or the roses on the thorn bush? 

Invest in behaviors with the greatest dividends, e.g. uttering uplifting words rather than critical chastising ones, choosing meaningful over trivial conversations, looking at the glass half full instead of half empty. 

Guest Caller
John from Kauai struggles with accepting differences in others.  He finds himself excluding a majority of folks, thus narrowing the playing field of possible relationships.  DrDebzz offers tips for dealing with his own perfectionism, which in turn will increase his tolerance level. 

Weekly WOW (Words of Wisdom) By Maya Angelou
I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget
how you made them feel.

If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude.

My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion,
some humor, and some style.

Confidence Boosters/Esteem Builders
I feed my spirit. I train my body. I focus my mind.

I am in charge of how I feel and today I am
choosing happiness.

I am adventurous. I overcome fears by
following my dreams.

I can. I will. End of story. 

Featured Artist
Acclaimed musical director, composer, arranger, and proficient pianist, Steve Rawlins, reveals the meaning of music in his life, what he believes is the key to finding and keeping love, worthwhile advice for aspiring artists, and much, much more.

Hear Steve tickle the ivories on his most recently released tune entitled, "Nobody Else But You," with vocals by George Bugatti, lyrics by Mark Winkler, Jay Leach on guitar, John Hatton on bass, and Kevin Winard on drums.

DrDebzz' Call-in Advice Talk Show "Sleepless in Studio City" Airs Nightly Sun-Fri 9PM PT / midnight ET at

As a life coach, columnist, and family mediator, DrDebzz is pleased and privileged to offer heartfelt help, positivity, gentle guidance, a nurturing spirit, and transformative tools.

"DrDebzz is my favorite talk show host."
"Her words of wisdom are gems."
“Brilliant! DrDebzz is a natural at this."
"A true treasure. Her advice is always spot on!!!"
"DrDebzz Opening Shpiel is worth its weight in gold."
"So inspiring and such good life lessons. I am
completely in awe of her talent & expertise in doing this."

For a limited time only, DrDebzz is providing Complimentary Covid Coaching Sessions by phone or on zoom to aid you in turning lemons into lemonade, counting your blessings, and changing your perspective to the glass half full instead of half empty. Now is an apropos time to turn your black and white script into a full living technicolor masterpiece. Contact her at 818-326-9003 or to setup an appointment.

Past episodes available on itunes HERE


“THE CRITICAL SPIRIT” Are you judgmental, accusatory, fault-finding, negative, nitpicking with yourself and/or others? You can transform into an encouraging supportive positive spirit!

“THE POWER OF NO” Saying “no” & setting boundaries signifies yes I care & that you’re valuable & worthy of my time & attention.

”GENEROSITY OF SPIRIT” Kindness is caring enough about someone to be forthcoming about your true feelings, desires, dreams, sensitivities, vulnerabilities, i.e. the sixth language of love.


"STUFFING EMOTIONS" destroys relationships; people pleasing causes mistrust; being authentic is true kindness.

“MINDFUL WALKING” Take a tizzy, clear your mind, heal your heart.

“FORGIVENESS” Free yourself from toxic resentments & negativity.

"JEALOUSY" Celebrating others' success increases chances you'll be victorious.

“LEGAL ABUSE” How abusers use the legal system to gain control.

“PERFECTIONISM” Killing the perfectionism monster that's keeping you from pursuing passions.

"THE SIXTH LANGUAGE OF LOVE: Sharing Secret Sensitivities."

"FROM NEGATIVITY TO POSITIVITY: Changing Your Brain Chemistry"


Listen now on iTunes!

Sleepless In Studio City - Robin Oherin