Sunday, August 19, 2018

Sleepless in Studio City DrDebzz Dishes on "The C Word" feat. Vocalist Diane Postell

DrDebzz Opening Shpiel
To relationship or not, that is the question. Are you content going solo? Do you feel obligated to find a partner because society condemns singledom? Do you profess to covet a long term liaison, yet continually sabotage
one connection after another.
Love isn't a feeling it's an action! Hence, the three C's are critical: commitment compromise communication! It takes daily dedication and devotion to the union, sacrifice, hard work, diligence, and courage to convert from the
"me" mode to the "we" modus operandi.

Guest Caller
April Lynn from the San Fernando Valley thinks things have changed in the dating world and that men don't follow through anymore. She recently spent a whole evening with a gentlemen at a singles event and never heard from him.

Write In Question
Warren in Toledo: A friend has been renting a room in my home but stopped paying me because he doesn't have a job anymore. I'm afraid if I throw him out, he'll be homeless and I'll feel guilty. I'm in a bind and don't know what to do.

Weekly WOW (Words of Wisdom)
"You can’t think your way into right action, but you can
act your way into right thinking.” 
- Bill Wilson

Confidence Boosters/Esteem Builders
I am a grounding point for miraculous energy to express.
My life is an adventure in spiritual growth and unfoldment.
Gratitude & appreciation light my path & show the way.

Featured Artist
 Singer/Songwriter/Musician/Instructor, Diane Postell, performs her new single, "Words You Cannot Say." Inspired by the #Metoo movement, Diane tells her story candidly and honestly...conveying the message that it's never too late to heal!! 
Diane reveals the meaning of music in her life, the inspiration behind her new hit, advice for aspiring artists, and what she thinks is the key to finding and keeping love.
DrDebzz Call-in Advice Talk Show "Sleepless in Studio City" Airs Nightly Sun-Fri 9pm PT / midnight ET with new episodes Sat 9pm & midnight PT / midnight & 3am ET at
Celebrated columnist, lauded life coach, skilled family mediator, DrDebzz offers heartfelt help, inspiration, positivity,
a nurturing spirit, and transformative tools.
DrDebzz has been deemed “The new relationship GURU…a West Coast Dr. Laura and East Coast Carrie Bradshaw!” Fans describe her as a “soulful gifted fun impressive” radio personality; with a “captive confident soothing melodious and simply lovely voice;” an “alluring way of telling her-story;” so
"spiritually alive and giving LOVE to humanity.”
Phone Life Coaching Sessions are available 24/7. Set up a Complimentary Consultation at 818-753-8898;; or
Listen now on iTunes!

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Sleepless In Studio City - Robin Oherin