Sunday, February 25, 2018

Sleepless in Studio City DrDebzz Dishing on "From Hate to Love" feat. John Beasley & Diane Reeves

DrDebzz Opening Shpiel: To hate is to feel intense deep passionate emotional dislike for an individual, group, entity, object, behavior, idea, to criticize or abuse. The antonym for hate is “love.” How do we move from hatred to love in order to preserve our species? As the Obamas tell their daughters, "When someone is cruel or acts like a bully, you don’t stoop to their level. No, our motto is, when they go low, we go high." 
Two Oscar nominated films in the Best Foreign Film category concern hate crimes. For an act to be considered a hate crime: 1) the act must constitute an offense under criminal law and 2) the act must have been motivated by bias. 
In the case of "The Insult" the prejudice is between nationalities and the crime is an assault provoked by hateful language. In "A Fantastic Woman,” the bias is towards a transgender woman and the crime is physical verbal and emotional abuse.
Freedom of speech isn’t synonymous with hateful language, i.e. words of loathing detestation abhorrence abomination execration hostility enmity animosity revulsion disgust contempt. Those are equivalent to a killing of your soul your core your very essence and existence. No one has the right to desecrate defile debase degrade vandalize damage destroy deface or violate your body mind and spirit.
Words have the power to lift you up or tear you down. Check your language delicately at the door. If you can’t find something Thoughtful Helpful Intelligent Necessary and Kind (T.H.I.N.K) then seal your lips. Especially don’t wait til you’re on your deathbed before you tell those you care about that you adore, admire, and appreciate them.   
Featured Artist is John Beasley composer/arranger/pianist/conductor performing “Dear Ruby” (lyrics by Sally Swisher, originally recorded by the great Carmen McRae) from his MONK’estra Vol. 2 CD of compositions by the master Thelonius Monk, with vocals by the phenomenal Grammy award winning vocalist Diane Reeves.
Guest Caller Kaya from Burbank: A family wedding is coming up and I’m stuck between a rock and a hard place. If I don’t go I’ll look worse in my relative’s eyes. If I do go I’m afraid I’ll be bombarded with criticism.  
Write in question from Stacey in Sioux Falls:  I’m attracted to younger men but I get slack from my friends and family.  Why is it okay for men to date younger women but not vice versa?
Confidence Boosters/Esteem Builders: I am worthwhile and important. I deserve comfort and compassion. I am filled with tolerance for myself and others.  I am accepting, loving, and forgiving.
DrDebzz Call-in Advice Talk Show "Sleepless in Studio City" Airs Nightly Sun-Fri 9p PT / midnight ET with new episodes Sat 9pm & midnight PT / midnight & 3am ET at
Celebrated columnist, lauded life coach, skilled family mediator, DrDebzz offers heartfelt help, inspiration, positivity, a nurturing spirit, & transformative tools.
DrDebzz has been deemed “The new relationship GURU…a West Coast Dr. Laura & East Coast Carrie Bradshaw!” Fans describe her as a “soulful gifted fun impressive” radio personality; with a “captive confident soothing melodious & simply lovely voice;” an “alluring way of telling her-story;” so "spiritually alive & giving LOVE to humanity.”
Phone Life Coaching Sessions are available 24/7. Set up a Complimentary Consultation at 818-326-9003 or

Monday, February 19, 2018

Sleepless in Studio City DrDebzz Dishing on "Empathetic Listening" feat. Gina Kronstadt & Jackie Gibson

DrDebzz Opening Shpiel: Have you practiced active listening today giving someone your full focused attention in body mind and spirit? Has anyone listened to you with empathy and sensitivity?

"When a person realizes he has been deeply heard, his eyes moisten. I think in some real sense he is weeping for joy. It is as though he were saying, 'Thank god, somebody heard me. Someone knows what it's like to be me.'" - Carl Rogers

Do you have one person in your life who gets you, who you can be authentic around, without judgment or criticism? That is the holy grail, the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

Ask those you care about what they need to feel loved by you, what their languages of love are. Don't wait until it's too late. Express your appreciation admiration and adoration in words as well as actions.

Guest Caller Ricardo from Monrovia: I'm not in love with my live in girlfriend anymore and am having a hard time asking her to move out.

Write in question from Allison in Temecula: The guy I've been dating treats me well but can be condescending at times. I keep hearing his comments over and over in my head and it makes me not want to see him again.

Esteem Building Affirmation: I am peaceful. I am content. I am love. I am the governing power of the universe. I attract to myself only those who are in alignment with my highest ideals for myself.

Weekly WOW (Words of Wisdom): "Friends are those rare people who ask how you are and then wait to hear the answer." - Ed Cunningham

Featured artists are jazz vocalists Gina Kronstadt and Jackie Gibson back by popular demand singing original tunes. Gina performs "Come Over" the title track from her latest CD and Jackie performs "Spring Knows Its Way Back Home with Stephan Oberhoff." You won't want to miss these stunning singers pouring out their hearts and souls with their mesmerizing music.

DrDebzz Call-in Advice Talk Show "Sleepless in Studio City" Airs Nightly Sun-Fri 9p PT / midnight ET with new episodes Sat 9pm & midnight PT / midnight & 3am ET at

Celebrated columnist, lauded life coach, skilled family mediator, DrDebzz offers heartfelt help, inspiration, positivity, a nurturing spirit, & transformative tools.

DrDebzz has been deemed “The new relationship GURU…a West Coast Dr. Laura & East Coast Carrie Bradshaw!” Fans describe her as a “soulful gifted fun impressive” radio personality; with a “captive confident soothing melodious & simply lovely voice;” an “alluring way of telling her-story;” so "spiritually alive & giving LOVE to humanity.”

Phone Life Coaching Sessions are available 24/7. Set up a Complimentary Consultation at 818-753-8898;; or

Additional episodes on:

Saturday, February 10, 2018

Sleepless in Studio City DrDebzz Dishing on "ONENESS" feat. jazz pianist George Burton

DrDebzz Opening Shpiel
  We can stop global warming, recycle, drive electric cars all we want, but if we don't change our behaviors and attitudes toward each other, there won't be anyone roaming the earth in the first place. All attempts to preserve conserve and salvage the environment, ecology, animals, and plants will be moot. Get back to the golden rule, which is the same in every language, no matter your religion, color, creed, race, nationality, gender, economic status.  We can learn the importance of values and ideals from immigrants, the true American heroes. It's not about survival of the fittest, it's about the survival of all of us. 
Guest Caller
George from North Hollywood:
 If you've been friends with someone of the opposite sex for a long time and you become intimate sexually will it ruin the friendship? Does friends with benefits work?
Write In Question
Miriam in Palm Springs: I get bored easily in relationships. Once the challenge is over and I've tamed the tiger I'm ready to move on.
I met a guy recently and I'd like to break the pattern and
accept his affections and loving kindness.

Weekly WOW (Words of Wisdom)
Be careful of your thoughts for your thoughts become your words. Be careful of your words for your words become your actions. Be careful of your actions for your actions become your habits. Be careful of your habits for your habits become your character. Be careful of your character for your character becomes your destiny - Author Unknown
Confidence Booster/Esteem Builder
 I select actions that make me feel good about myself, simultaneously reinforcing the notion that I'm valuable vital and
ought to have fulfilling fondness and mutual passion.

This Week's Featured Artist
Jazz pianist George Burton, performs the original "From Grace to Grass" with Ilan Bari-Ali, guitar; Chris Hemingway, alto sax; Noah Jackson, bass; and Wayne Smith Jr., drums. Burton's compositions are "Incomparably beautiful - make that scary beautiful - and powerful as in mesmerizingly powerful and haunting as in
"where has this been all my life" haunting.
George reveals the significance of music in his life; the key to finding and keeping love; and advice for aspiring artists. Catch George LIVE on Tour: 2/20 Blues Alley - Washington DC; 2/21 Dizzy's Club
Coca Cola - NYC; 2/22 Chris' Jazz Cafe - Philly; 2/23 The
Side Door Jazz Club - Old Lyme CT; 2/24 Scullers - Boston
DrDebzz Call-in Advice Talk Show "Sleepless in Studio City" Airs Nightly Sun-Fri 9p PT / midnight ET with new episodes Sat 9pm & midnight PT / midnight & 3am ET at
Celebrated columnist, lauded life coach, skilled family mediator, DrDebzz offers heartfelt help, inspiration, positivity,
a nurturing spirit, & transformative tools.
DrDebzz has been deemed “The new relationship GURU…a West Coast Dr. Laura & East Coast Carrie Bradshaw!” Fans describe her as a “soulful gifted fun impressive” radio personality; with a “captive confident soothing melodious & simply lovely voice;” an “alluring way of telling her-story;” so
"spiritually alive & giving LOVE to humanity.”
Phone Life Coaching Sessions are available 24/7. Set up a Complimentary Consultation at 818-753-8898;; or

Additional episodes on itunes and youtube:    and

Sunday, February 4, 2018

Sleepless in Studio City DrDebzz Dishing on "SHAME" feat. vocalist, Jackie Gibson

DrDebzz Opening Shpiel:”Shame is the lie someone told you about yourself." (Anais Nin attributed) Does shame infiltrate your body mind and spirit? Do you believe you don't deserve to be treated with honor and respect? Are you still playing the same old tapes that you're not good enough, rich enough, funny enough, smart enough, successful enough? 
Were you a victim of childhood abuse or neglect? Are you suffering from PTSD - Post Traumatic Shame disorder?
One form of nonverbal shaming is the silent treatment. It's a way to inflict pain without visible bruising. Powerful and easy to get away with, it's the weapon of choice. 
Research has shown that the act of ignoring or excluding activates the anterior cingulate cortex, the part of the brain that detects physical pain. 
The antidote for shame is self compassion and compassion for others, critical to saving the planet and civilization from extinction. 
DrDebzz relays exercises to hone your self compassion skills.

Featured artist: Stunning Vocalist Jackie Gibson performs the original "Voz del Corazon." She reveals the meaning of music in her life, the key to maintaining love, and offers advice for aspiring artists.
Catch Jackie LIVE Thursday Feb 8th at Vitello's in Studio City accompanied by the brilliant Todd Hunter quintet: Todd on piano; Bill Markus, bass; David Anderson, drums; Larry Koonse, guitar; Serafin Aguilar, trumpet.

Guest Caller Kristen from Los Angeles: I’ve finally met someone I think could be my Prince Charming, but he lives in another state and we haven’t met yet. 

Write in question from Arthur:  Why do women act like they’re interested but when it comes to setting up a date, they seem unavailable.

Weekly WOW (Words of Wisdom): “I am large.  I contain multitudes.”  Walt Whitman

Confidence Boosters/Esteem Builders: I deserve I deserve I deserve to have it all.  Love Love Love on yourself ever so gently. Ask the universe to protect you and to lift your spiritual vibration above all negative interference.   

DrDebzz Call-in Advice Talk Show "Sleepless in Studio City" Airs Nightly Sun-Fri 9p PT / midnight ET with new episodes Sat 9pm & midnight PT / midnight & 3am ET at

Celebrated columnist, lauded life coach, skilled family mediator, DrDebzz offers heartfelt help, inspiration, positivity, a nurturing spirit, & transformative tools.

DrDebzz has been deemed “The new relationship GURU…a West Coast Dr. Laura & East Coast Carrie Bradshaw!” Fans describe her as a “soulful gifted fun impressive” radio personality; with a “captive confident soothing melodious & simply lovely voice;” an “alluring way of telling her-story;” so "spiritually alive & giving LOVE to humanity.”

Phone Life Coaching Sessions are available 24/7. Set up a Complimentary Consultation at 818-753-8898;;

Additional episodes on:

Sleepless In Studio City - Robin Oherin